The holiday season is a time of love, joy, friends, and family. This includes seeing people that might not get to see very often and wanting to celebrate accordingly. For many people, this means completely forgetting about their healthy habits with plans to return to them after the holiday season. Here are 3 hot tips for staying healthy and still having a great holiday this year!
Self-Love – The holiday season is a time for giving. For most people, this includes giving gifts to loved ones, friends, and coworkers. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to give someone a gift, and to receive one from someone you love as well! It is important that we are giving with ourselves during this exciting yet stressful time of the year. Give yourself time to destress form the craziness, take a bubble bath, spend some time reading, spend some time outside, or whatever you like to do! It can be as simple as a 5-minute walk!
Cookie Control – Holiday parties and get togethers are a great way to socialize, see friends and family, and really spend that quality time. This usually means that you will need to bring something to the party or event because no one wants to show up empty handed, right? Be mindful when baking those holiday cookies to make a reasonable amount. If you know there are going to be tons of desserts at the party already, cut the recipe in half. Another great idea is to split the batch and give some to a neighbor, friend, teacher, USPS, UPS, or FedEx delivery person! Show your gratitude and avoid having cookies laying around for those late-night temptations! Click here to check out our recipe for healthy holiday joy balls!
Mindset – Do you get nervous or anxious when thinking about what options you’ll have for holiday dinner? Are you scared that this meal could derail you and push you back towards old habits? Do you feel like you should eat minimally all day, so you can have whatever you want for the big dinner? It’s time to take a step back and look at why you may be feeling this way. For many people the holidays bring about a sense of freedom as if we are on a vacation. We see this is a time to indulge and allow ourselves things that we normally may not, and that is ok! We need to shift our mindset towards recognizing that this is only a few days out of the year! We are allowed to indulge if we want to! Stay mindful in your choices and confident in your ability to set boundaries for yourself where necessary. Keep up with all of your healthy habits like vitamins and supplements, working out, and having a healthy breakfast. This will help you stay on track when the holidays are over.
What are some tips you use to stay on track through the holiday season? Leave us a comment below!