Events and Classes

We offer virtual and in person classes. Pre-registration is required for all classes. Please register 2 hours before class.

Our Weekly Schedule

This is our usual weekly schedule, click on each weekday to see daily offerings.
Scroll down to sign up for a class, and check out other upcoming special events!

  • TriYoga: 5-6 p.m. with Georgia
  • Meditation: 6:15-7:15 p.m. with Georgia

Check back for new schedule updates soon!

Check back for new schedule updates soon!

Check back for new schedule updates soon!

Yoga and Meditation Classes

TriYoga, founded by Kali Ray, is a flowing style of yoga that connects movement, breath and focus. TriYoga incorporates all the traditional practices of yoga with the emphasis on rhythmic breath, spinal wavelike movements, relaxation in action and economy of movement. Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Meditation is a state of deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent.

Cooking and Nutrition Classes

Part of our mission here at Vitality is to bring whole food meals back into the home and teach people that health begins in the kitchen. We will provide the tools you will need to properly plan, shop, and cook a beautiful meal for you and your loved ones. At Vitality we believe if you shift your overall awareness of food, you can learn to honor it as a primary resource for achieving health and personal awareness.

Upcoming Events and Retreats

Booking Provided by Healthie